Public Transport

Public Transport

DISTANCE FROM  Roses Bus Station TO Arkadia Apartments (0.6km) DISTANCE FROM  Figueres Train Station TO Arkadia Apartments (19.9km)  *free transfer for more than 7 nights stay – reservation required DISTANCE FROM High-speed Train Station Figueres Vilafant TO Arkadia Apartments (22.8km)  *free transfer for more than 7 nights stay – reservation required

Parking Puig Rom

Parking Puig Rom

Indoor community car parking Puig Rom, 100 (550m) GPS GD: 42.26037026386347 3.1819377467036247 GPS GMS: N 42°15’37.333” E 3°10’54.975” Rate per 24h                                   *10.00€ Security deposit key/remote      *40.00€ * Payment in advance  

Parking Av. Rhode

Parking Av. Rhode

Outdoor city car parking Rhode, 195 (58m) GPS GD: 42.26036430858333 3.1782158464193344 GPS GMS: N 42°15’37.312” E 3°10’41.577” Rate per minute                                                            

Parking Pescadors

Parking Pescadors

Outdoor community car parking Pescadors, 20 (400m) GPS GD: 42.259984162036474 3.1805171817541122 GPS GMS: N 42°15’35.943” E 3°10’49.861” Rate per 24h                                   *10.00€ Security deposit key/remote      *40.00€ * Payment in advance    

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