Aiguamolls Park

Aiguamolls Park

The Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà is a natural park in Catalonia, Spain. It forms part of the Bay of Roses and, like the Ebro Delta, was a malarial swampland. The marshland lies between the Rivers Fluvià and Muga. It is the second largest wetland in Catalonia at over

Castrum Visigotic

Castrum Visigotic

Castrum or Visigothic Citadel of Puig Rom , the castrum is located on one of the peaks of Puig Rom mountain, which crowns the town of Roses. It was discovered in 1946 by the works of Lluís Pericot, Francesc Riuró, Miquel Oliva and Pere de Palol with the help of

Port de Roses

Port de Roses

The port of Roses is located at the extreme point of the bay of Roses, at the beginning of the Cape of Creus and a few meters from the town’s urban center. It offers a good protection against the winds, which in this area can blow very hard. Originally it was a fishing port, but, over

Ciutadella de Roses

Ciutadella de Roses

The fortified area of the Roses citadel is an archaeological park of great interest and beauty. In the 10th century the walls enclosed the town (in fact, the inhabitants of Roses refer to the citadel as the Muralles (Walls)), but the fortification that remains today was built during the reign of King Carlos I, in the

Cap de Creus

Cap de Creus

The cape of Creus peninsula is located in the eastern most part of the Iberian peninsula, halfway between the district towns of Cadaqués, Port de la Selva, Selva de Mar, Llançà, Vilajuïga, Pau, Palau-saverdera and Roses. This is where the Cap de Creus Natural Park, the first maritime-terrestrial park in the

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