
Windoor Empuria

Come to Windoor Real Fly and fly with us, the only thing you have to worry about is having fun.

This experience is available to everyone from 4 to 99 years old! Everyone can fly!

Have you always wanted to fly, but Skydiving is too extreme for you?  The Wind Tunnel is a fantastic alternative.  You have all of the sensation of flying, and you can do that in a safe environment without the risks of skydiving.  You are supervised at all times by our experienced instructors who will help you make the most of this unique experience.

When you arrive at the Wind Tunnel, you will fill out a form with your personal details.  From that moment onwards, the only thing you have to think about is relaxing and having fun.  We will take care of everything else.

An instructor will meet your group, which will be made up of people like you (who are flying for the first time).  You will be briefed about all of the things you will need to know for your safety and enjoyment to help you to make the most of your flying experience.

The instructor will explain hand signals that they will use to communicate with you in the tunnel.  You will discover, for example, that the gestures used by the footballer, Ronaldinho when he scores a goal, actually signifies ´relax´in the tunnel.  In this class you will also learn the correct body positions to help you fly more effectively in the tunnel.

When you have finished the theory, you will be taken to the gear room to be clothed in all of the technical clothing that you will need to fly in the tunnel.  In this space, there is a changing area and lockers to safely store your personal belongings.  Once your group is ready, you will proceed to the second floor where our bar/restaurant is located, and here you will have your first glimpse of the wind tunnel.

From this point onwards you only need to smile and enjoy the experience, in the capable hands of our professional instructors.

If you are accompanied by family and friends who are not flying, they can relax and watch you fly from the comfort of our bar/restaurant. They are permitted to take pictures and film your flying sessions from outside of the tunnel.

The only danger from flying in our tunnel is that you might like it too much and find that you want to repeat the experience!

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